To what extent can it be said the castles of the Welsh princes where inferior to those of Edward I?

Edward I was one of England’s most influential monarchs, his actions shaped the destiny of all the British Isles even after his death. Edward was known for his conquests across Ireland, Scotland and Wales and even obtained the accolade “Hammer of the Scots” for his successful and brutal conquest of Scotland. Edward was extremely efficientContinue reading “To what extent can it be said the castles of the Welsh princes where inferior to those of Edward I?”

What do the excavations at Sutton Hoo tell us about the significance of the sea to East Anglian society in the late sixth and early seventh centuries?

In order to assess what the excavations at Sutton Hoo tells us about the significance of the sea to East Anglian society in the late sixth and early seventh centuries one must first analyse and fully understand what Sutton Hoo actually is and what was found there; this piece will first endeavour to achieve thisContinue reading “What do the excavations at Sutton Hoo tell us about the significance of the sea to East Anglian society in the late sixth and early seventh centuries?”

How the English Kings of the twelfth-century extend their power compared to that of of the French Kings of the period?

Today I will discuss how the English kings extended their power in the twelfth-century and compare their methods to that of the French Kings. I have decided to assess this in four ways, these being,how royal power was extended ‘theoretically’and ‘physically’, and how the church aided the extension of royal power through ‘theoretical’and ‘physical’ means.Continue reading “How the English Kings of the twelfth-century extend their power compared to that of of the French Kings of the period?”

The Lives of Women in Roman Britain.

Today I will discuss the contribution of archaeological evidence to our understanding of the lives of women in Roman Britain. In order to do this, this piece will examine different pieces of material evidence and endeavour to draw conclusions of what archaeology can tell us about the appearance, mentality and overall lives of women inContinue reading “The Lives of Women in Roman Britain.”

Can the large settlement sites of the Maya be classed as cities?

This post will aim to address whether the large settlements of the Maya can be classed at cities. I will attempt to answer this question by investigating what we mean by a city and our changing perception of what a city is; I will also assess what these Maya settlements were and what features theyContinue reading “Can the large settlement sites of the Maya be classed as cities?”

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